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For more information on what blueprints are and how to use them, see the Blueprints user guide.

Creating a blueprint

To create a blueprint, a typed messaged is signed, and a call to POST /v1/blueprints is made with values and the signature.

The request body is a JSON object containing the following fields:

  • form_values: The form values from the blueprint creation form. These will be preloaded into the hypercert creation form when the blueprint is selected for minting.
  • minter_address: The address of the recipient that will mint the hypercert.
  • admin_address: The address of the admin that created the blueprint and signed the transaction.
  • signature: The signature of the admin.
  • chain_id: The chain ID of the chain the blueprint will be available on.
const { signTypedDataAsync } = useSignTypedData();
const { address } = useAccount();

// Get the signature
const signature = await signTypedDataAsync({
account: address,
domain: {
name: "Hypercerts",
version: "1",
chainId: 11155111,
types: { Message: [{ name: "message", type: "string" }] },
primaryType: "Message",
message: {
message: `Create blueprint for ${address}`,

// Create the blueprint using the API
const body = {
form_values: {
title: "",
banner: "",
description: "",
logo: "",
link: "",
cardImage: "",
tags: [],
projectDates: {
from: new Date(),
// 1 day from now
to: new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
contributors: [],
allowlistURL: "",
allowlistEntries: [{
address: "0x123",
units: "100",
}, {
address: "0x456",
units: "200",
minter_address: "0x007029eA234833eC09f2e9d936AA097A6577d067",
admin_address: "0x265684EFA8AEc9afF2a689B4aeDd57aF49bf049D",
chain_id: 11155111,
await fetch(``, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",

Fetching blueprints

Blueprints can be fetched through our GraphQL API.

Minting a hypercert from a blueprint

When minting a hypercert from a blueprint, a call to POST /v1/blueprints/mint/{blueprintId} is made. The transaction will be added to a queue and once the transaction is confirmed, the newly minted hypercert will be swapped for the blueprint in the collection. The blueprint is then marked as minted: true. The blueprint metadata is copied to the hypercert metadata.

More info on minting hypercerts can be found in the minting docs.

import { HypercertClient, TransferRestrictions } from "@hypercerts-org/sdk";
import { useAccount, useSignTypedData, useWalletClient } from "wagmi";
import { parseUnits } from "viem";

// Mint the hypercert and get the transaction hash
const { data: walletClient } = useWalletClient();
const client = new HypercertClient({
environment: "production",

// This is an example of how to mint a hypercert from a blueprint.
// The exact way to do it will depend on the data stored in the blueprint.
const blueprint = await getBlueprintById(1);
const units = parseUnits("1", 8);
const txHash = await client.mintHypercert({
metaData: blueprint.form_data,
totalUnits: units,
transferRestriction: TransferRestrictions.FromCreatorOnly,
allowList: blueprint.allowlist_entries,

// Get the signature to queue the minting of the blueprint
const { signTypedDataAsync } = useSignTypedData();
const { address } = useAccount();
const signature = await signTypedDataAsync({
account: address,
domain: {
name: "Hypercerts",
version: "1",
chainId: 11155111,
types: {
Blueprint: [
{ name: "id", type: "uint256" },
name: "tx_hash",
type: "string",
BlueprintQueueMintRequest: [{ name: "blueprint", type: "Blueprint" }],
primaryType: "BlueprintQueueMintRequest",
message: {
blueprint: {
id: 1n,
tx_hash: txHash,

// Register that the mint has been completed. This queues the txHash, and once the transaction is confirmed by our API, the blueprint will be marked as `minted: true`.
await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
chain_id: 11155111,
minter_address: address,
tx_hash: txHash,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",