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Manually creating maker ask


These code snippets are just examples and the data should never be used as is

The code snippet below is an example of how to create a maker ask using the @hypercerts-org/marketplace-sdk library.

The main steps are:

  1. Initialize a HypercertExchangeClient class instance by providing the chain id, RPC provider and a signer.
  2. Use the createMakerAsk method to create a maker ask with the parameters of your order.
  3. Check and grant necessary approvals for transferring assets.
  4. Sign the maker ask order with signMakerOrder method.

The orderNonce has to be retrieved via our Public API, see get order nonce.

Here is an example:

import { parseEther } from "ethers";
import {
} from "@hypercerts-org/marketplace-sdk";

const hypercertExchangeClient = new HypercertExchangeClient(
const orderNonce = await hypercertExchangeClient.api.fetchOrderNonce({
address, // Your address
chainId: ChainId.OPTIMISM, // Chain ID

// The ID of the fraction to be sold
const fractionId = 13601086205829910384631083059047775411896320n;

const { maker, isCollectionApproved, isTransferManagerApproved } =
await hypercertExchangeClient.createMakerAsk({
collection: "0xa16DFb32Eb140a6f3F2AC68f41dAd8c7e83C4941", // Collection address, in this case the hypercert minter address
collectionType: CollectionType.HYPERCERT,
strategyId: StrategyType.standard,
subsetNonce: 0, // keep 0 if you don't know what it is used for
orderNonce: orderNonce, // You need to retrieve this value from the API
endTime: Math.floor( / 1000) + 86400, // If you use a timestamp in ms, the function will revert
price: parseEther("1"), // Be careful to use a price in wei, this example is for 1 ETH
itemIds: [fractionId], // ID of fraction you want to sell
startTime: Math.floor( / 1000), // Use it to create an order that will be valid in the future (Optional, Default to now)
currency: hypercertExchangeClient.currencies.USDC, // Currency address (0x0 for ETH)

// Grant the TransferManager the right to transfer assets on behalf of the Hypercert Exchange Protocol
if (!isTransferManagerApproved) {
const tx = await hypercertExchangeClient
await tx.wait();

// Approve the hypercert fractions to be transferred by the TransferManager
if (!isCollectionApproved) {
const tx = await hypercertExchangeClient.approveAllCollectionItems(
await tx.wait();

// Sign your maker order
const signature = await hypercertExchangeClient.signMakerOrder(maker);

// Register the order with our API
const result = await hypercertExchangeClient.registerOrder({